Every year on the 12th of January, National Youth Day is celebrated all around the world for Shri Swami Vivekanda’s birthday. Swami Vivekananda is the eternal inspiration for young people around the world. His life is his message, the ideas he expounded are universal and timeless. On the 17th of January 2021, Shri Tejasvi Surya- Honorable MP of South Bengaluru and BJYM National President extended his salutations to this monk who heralded India’s cultural renaissance in the 19th century on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda’s 158th birthday.

Shri Tejasvi Surya began with the most notable incidents of the history being the 9/11. According to him, 9/11 acts as an information carrier in two ways, one being the carrier of information to Sanatana Dharma (Hindu Religion) and how India works on it and second thought being that of how the one who opposes Sanatana Dharma will have to face the severities happened in the 9/11.
Shri Swami Vivekananda cast light to the audience in Chicago on the same day by voicing out on Sanatana Dharma, Sanatana Dharma’s direction and beliefs and how all the Dharma’s go hand in hand. The message of brotherhood, fraternity and togetherness was spoken out on the same day with utmost courage and confidence to the people of Chicago.
Shri Tejasvi Surya mentioned on how Hindu Religion is meant to cast light to the world and the intention of this is to strengthen the brotherhood along with peace, love and just by being Swami Vivekananda’s followers and spreading out the same to the world. He wittily said on how we all have to expose the others who don’t live with this principle of belief and togetherness.
“Those who live for others, are the only ones living, the rest are simply alive” – Swami Vivekananda.
Shri Tejasvi Surya contemptuously told to the audience on how 9/11 showed the world fraternal religion and Islam fanaticism discotny and how that was balanced by Narendra Dutt’s speech in Chicago is exactly the same to the date of 16th January 2021 where Corona virus was brought in by China but the Prime Minister of India- Shri Narendra Modi supplied the vaccines to the world and its beyond.
“Even after 150 years of someone’s death, 1000 people still gather in 100 different locations, follow the principles passed by the person and prays to live by it, this shows ultimate power a person beholds in his self and personality which could not have been manifested by any other than but Shri Swami Vivekananda. We should remember Swami Vivekananda for his impersonal attitude, for an ideal which was larger than him, himself and his personal ambitions” says Tejasvi Surya.
Shri Tejasvi Surya talked about the relevance of Swami Vivekananda to the youths of the nation by summarising it into one or two points. Swami Vivekananda’s key focus was on how we should not pay attention to immediate needs and ambitions and he led us all in this essential direction of patience and timeliness.
We all have some issues and yet work for others in everyday parts of our life and try to be an ideal being, this truly shows that we all follow the simple steps of Swami Vivekananda. Shri Tejasvi Surya mentioned few good deeds performed by the office and his team for the poor or disabled in their day to day life and told as that serves equally well for oneself and his ideal being.
“Live beyond oneself”- Swami Vivekananda quotes that basic requirements, basic decisions, needs and fulfilments can be achieved any day, but there exists a space outside this basicity and this is the world one should create to believe on himself and further pursue on it. He also told the audience on how the textbooks have misled the young kids and youth of the nation by referring Swami Vivekananda as life coach but not as the supreme Swami of the Sanatana Dharma. He was being read by the students in personality development classes which are totally a wrong concept for someone who was the pioneer in the growth of the Hindu religion (Sanatana Dharma) and who has established his life upon this.
Swami Vivekananda had always walked for an independent, free nation. He had said- “Freedom and independence makes a man think, without them he is just a neighbour of death”. It’s a divine ordain sight for every individual to get his/her own right and stand on their own thoughts and beliefs to further fight for the freedom of nation and its ideologies. He demanded for independence because he knew the maker of one’s destiny is the individual himself and none other, if an individual can be a maker of their own destiny then definitely a country can also be the maker of its own destiny by fighting for freedom and independence which is called the Divine Theory Argument.
Further, Shri Tejasvi Surya talked about Colonial Consciousness and how Swami Vivekananda showed a way out of this to us 150 years back. He spoke about how we level up when we wear branded clothing and speak English as a language of preciseness over the nation’s vernacular languages, we have equalised English to intelligence. We all fall in the guilt’s box here when we quote our references from an English well versed author but not someone from our rich literature or nation. But the effects of colonial consciousness has got us rebuild the Ram Mandir back in its own soil and land after 500 years and this is the direction Swami Vivekananda showed us about the same Colonial consciousness way back itself.
Swami Vivekananda’s ideals, philosophies, thoughts, fundamental theories have got us all the Yoga day which has been celebrated all around the world, new Education Policies in 2005, magic and traditionalism of Ayurveda and now the beautiful establishment of the Divine Ram Mandir. He has always been a man who gave scientific approach to religion. He questioned the very own thoughts of Islam and Christianity even in the most orthodox Christian nations and talks about the difference in the 3 religions including Sanatana Dharma (Hindu religion) by answering and discussing the most pressing questions all across the globe. This speaks about his intellectual courage and fundamental belief. This is the relevance we seek learning for and build upon one’s life on the fundamentals set by Swami Vivekananda says Tejasvi Surya.
Shri Tejasvi Surya ends his salutations by a few strong words saying Hindu religion (Sanatana Dharma) gives freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression and does not confine its people to stick to one god or choose another, our religion is the gateway of freedom and this is what Swami Vivekananda had been fundamentally intriguing upon and expects the nation to do so too.
Shri Tejasvi Surya concludes his talk by requesting the youth and audience to practice 2 things, one being the intellectual courage and the second being the habit of reading works by Swami Vivekananda on a daily basis to keep his work and literary alive all around the world.